Publishing Party
I can't remember where, online, I saw this idea... but THANK YOU for such a terrific way to celebrate writing! We finished a unit on non-fiction writing, published a How-To book and an All About book (see Lucy Calkin's Units of Study for Primary Writers)
The students covered their desk groups with table clothes, arranged cheese and grapes on a tray, and arranged plastic wine glasses filled with sparkling juice. The room was decorated with hanging twinkle lights and soft music playing. We invited another class as our guests. The students shared their writing in small groups and then we toasted their hard work followed by eating and complimenting. My students were so proud!!!!I have revitalized my Daily 5 Writing Center. I closed the center for a week and explained it was under construction. Then all week long I added and labeled. By the end of the week the kiddos were drooling over the center and couldn't wait to get their hands on it. Monday I saw the best writing I have seen in ages. I plan to remove and add things from time to time to keep it SPICY! On the bulletin board behind the writing center I put writing ideas and pictures of what the center should look like before the kiddos leave it. I also have a place to spotlight
GOOD WRITING OF THE WEEK! This has become SO popular I may have to change it to Good Writing of the Day. YAHOO for all the great writing happening during Daily 5!
I recently found a great way to explicitly teach the steps of the Scientific Inquiry Process. Our 3 big science units are Butterflies, Herps (reptiles & amphibians) and Weather. Each unit takes 6-8 weeks to complete. I was looking for something short and sweet so I could really focus on the steps and the kiddos would remember them.
THUS..... WORMS! I bought a dozen earthworms from a local pet store and placed them in a plastic container with dirt from my garden allowing them to "warm up" for a few days before the activity. I wanted ACTIVE worms!
We started by completing an I WONDER chart about worms. Then we read Wiggly Worms at Work by Wendy Pfeffer and students added new information. Next we worked in groups of 5 to complete MIND MAPS about worms. Students write everything they know about worms and then circle and connect those statements that 'go together'. They must be prepared to explain how they go together.
We went through the steps of the Scientific Inquiry Process.
Finally it was time to actually WORK WITH WORMS! Each pair got a nice big earthworm on a moist paper towel along with a packet leading them through the steps of the Scientific Inquiry.
When we finished with our worms we placed them in our Second Grade Butterfly Garden to keep the soil healthy.
I saw this idea on PINTEREST and used paper to SPIFF up my poor old scarred file cabinet. So silly... but makes me feel good!